Thursday 26 February 2009


well isn't that a handy little source of funding!

Just been thinking though about direct mail and welcome packs etc, would we have to think about the use of paper since we've to be sustainable? Maybe an online starter pack that you get the password for when you subscribe? or email direct mail?! not sure what do you think? or would the packs be ok?

also just a question about subscription forms... are we charging the same amount subscription no matter how long they spend in the garden and how much they want out of it? because if this isnt constant we would have to find out what they wanted out of it before getting bank details etc. perchaps a paypal account which could be paid into once they know the full cost? doubt people would be that happy just to put account details on a subscrition without knowing full charges? For customer security anyway what do you think would be best?

big up bros with hoes.

1 comment:

  1. ha love the poster!!

    yeah i think you have raised some good points here,how the hell are we going to divide this up?? hmm...maybe we should give them the options of how many hrs and what they expect to get in terms of produce and work out charges for that and I'm just thinking that perhaps we should have a trial period on top of that so they can see how it fits within their lifestyle! I'm working on cost right now, taking AGES!!!

